We’re down to the final month of 2022, can you believe it? It seemed as if it was only yesterday that we were counting down to welcoming the new year, and now, it’s almost time to usher in another one. Before wrapping up the year that was, make what’s left of 2022, count. How do you make your December one to remember? Here are a few ways. Reward Yourself You know you deserve the best things in life, so why not get them for yourself? Whether it’s a long overdue vacation, shiny new jewelry, a meal you’ve been craving or just one uninterrupted night in, if you want it, then let yourself have it. Making this a tradition and keeping at it will give you something to look forward to each year as well. What are you eyeing as a reward for yourself? Take a Trip Down Memory Lane Look back at the past couple of months with the people you’ve spent them with. Visit your childhood home and reconnect with family members you haven’t seen in a while. Got a box of old letters? Dust it off and give those notes a read. You’ll surely find yourself smiling a few times while you’re at it. You may also think of reaching out to friends whom you haven’t spoken with in years and maybe pick up where you’ve left off. It perfectly shows how you end one year and start another on a good note. Give Back Give love on Christmas Day, a popular song goes. As it’s the season of giving, make it more meaningful by giving back and sharing your blessings. Got a cause that’s close to your heart? Join one of their outreach activities, or organize one yourself, if you’re up to it. If you’re not into donating and other organized outreach events, then you may simply treat your food delivery rider to a nice tip, or your cleaning staff to a noche buena pack they can enjoy with their family. Give back by sharing what you have more than enough of, to those who need them the most. Create a New Bucket List While there’s a lot to look back on, there’s definitely more to look forward to, and it all starts with you. Set the tone for the coming year by working towards what you want to happen. You can do it by creating a brand new bucket list for the new year and counting (and working on) the ways you can tick each one off. These are just a few ways to make your December one for the books. However you may choose to spend it, may it be one that lets you look back fondly on what was, look gratefully at what is, and look forward with hope on what’s to come.